70-90% of tenants are still paying their rent. As a result landlords are having negative cash flows. It is now a tenant favoring market. Landlords and banks will be impaired as this continues. Rents will likely go down as demands go down. Vacancies are likely to...
What is the new norm when returning to work? Different spaces are handling things differently, with some creative solutions to reduce the possible transmission of Covid19. The Related Companies of Hudson Yards has introduced infrared cameras in the lobbies of large...
The NYC market has seen a peak in activity this past month but that certainly is not an indicator just yet for what is to come. 71 % of this activity came as a result of renewals, including short term extensions. This is diametrically opposed to last year, where 71%...
How Do I Get out of My Commercial Real Estate Lease? “Getting out” of a lease for a business is usually a last resort, but sometimes a necessary one. The good news is that there are methods available to expedite an early out. Planning before the lease is signed is...
5 Important Factors in Finding a New Headquarters When a new client meets with a tenant representative broker, one of the most important pieces of the consultation is utilizing the client’s goals and aspirations as a “road map” to the right building. That map may...