What is the new norm when returning to work? Different spaces are handling things differently, with some creative solutions to reduce the possible transmission of Covid19. The Related Companies of Hudson Yards has introduced infrared cameras in the lobbies of large...
How Executive Real Estate Decisions are Made When corporations are looking for office space, they typically start by casting a large net. This involves taking the interests of all key players into consideration before narrowing down the choices. For example, we...
5 Important Factors in Finding a New Headquarters When a new client meets with a tenant representative broker, one of the most important pieces of the consultation is utilizing the client’s goals and aspirations as a “road map” to the right building. That map may...
Cost vs. Necessity: How These and Other Factors Affect the Decision Making Process Helping clients make difficult real estate decisions is an important aspect of a broker’s job. Whether they are starting a new business or relocating an existing one, there are many...
5 Key Factors to Finding the Perfect Space for Your Business When a company comes to us looking for the perfect space from which to operate and grow their business, we have 5 major factors that we take into account. These 5 key considerations can either greatly...