What is your landlord doing to satisfy the demand for more cleaning? Using more sanitizer and upgrading your air conditioner is likely necessary. These costs may be passed onto the tenant depending on your commercial lease. Typically larger tenants will take on the...
What is the new norm when returning to work? Different spaces are handling things differently, with some creative solutions to reduce the possible transmission of Covid19. The Related Companies of Hudson Yards has introduced infrared cameras in the lobbies of large...
There’s no sign Corona virus is going away anytime soon, as cities across the US continue to experience outbreaks. It’s never been more important to evaluate your commercial office space. Are your employees safe? What measures are being done to sanitize or...
Landlords Increasingly Looking to Shift Insurance Obligations to Tenants Landlords have recently become more aggressive in trying to shift some of the costs of insurance that they traditionally carried onto their tenants. In a large commercial building, the cost of...